Tag: tap water
Alkaline Water VS “The Other Stuff”
Quick! You’re going to the gym, and you go to grab a refreshing beverage. What do you grab? A sports drink? A “Vitamin Water”? Maybe a plain old water bottle? If ANY of these are your choice, you’re missing out! Your body is made to perform at the highest level, and it will… if you take…
Is Alkaline Water Better Than Tap Water?
The short, sweet and straight to the point answer is YES! Alkaline water is better than tap water. Alkaline ionized water helps to neutralize the effects of our acidic lifestyles which include toxins in the environment, acidic food choices and even stress. Do you want to know what’s even better than alkaline water? Ionized alkaline…
Critique Of The Week – Alkaline Water VS Bottled Spring Water
It’s a question that bears increasing relevance these days: “What exactly is in the water I’m drinking?” Honestly, you’d be forgiven for thinking the bottled water industry is a bit shady. There have been incidents of companies being caught putting filtered tap water into bottles that were deemed “natural spring water”, loads of pollution.. and…
Things You Should Know: The Dangers of Drinking Acidic Tap Water
Not many people are aware of this, but your body actually tries to tell you what it wants and what it doesn’t. It’s the reason why a glass of alkaline water feels so good and a slice of meat-lovers pizza feels so so bad. When you ingest something, your body reacts to tell you how…